Sunday, November 29, 2009

Am I the only one having problems with IE 7?

I keep getting repeating errors about 5 minutes after I open IE and I have to physically turn off my computer to get it to stop. Anyone have any suggestions?

Am I the only one having problems with IE 7?windows update

Hi Jensw23, hope you didn't decide to uninstall IE 7 as this browser has important features that everyone should use who don't really know a lot about computers. At this point the best solution I can give you is to go to and search for a solution to your problem there. If you need any further help feel free to contact me at mjbuska (at) hotmail . com

Am I the only one having problems with IE 7?microsoft excel internet explorer

It is full of bugs. I'm glad I didn't download it. Maybe you can go in and unload it.
Yeah .......stop using it.....
No, MS is notorious for releasing products that don't work. For now till it's more stable go to start-%26gt;control panel-%26gt;add remove programs-%26gt;at the top check "show updates",-%26gt;scroll down in the list-%26gt;you will see IE7 listed, uninstall that, restart and you will be back at IE6. Then download Firefox and stop using IE to browse the internet. When you go online just open Firefox %26amp; not IE. If your internet provider only works with IE... fine... fire it up with IE %26amp; then minimize IE %26amp; open Firefox to surf. Firefox is way safer to surf with than IE %26amp; gives you a minimal browser to start with %26amp; you can add the extensions you want to customize it to how you surf.... Not the tools and options IE thinks you want.

You might just find that you'll never want to bother with IE again. In fact you can get rid of it all together.
i use ie7, "have had some problems" minor, go to HTTP://

it is the microsoft site, they WILL repair any microsoft problem, free.
I'm with the first user, all I have heard is bad things from it. I would uninstall it.
You cant uninstal it sorry. Its also not full of bugs. Everything has bugs even firefox. Its something wrong with your computer because i have been using it since the beta with no problems.

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