Friday, November 27, 2009

How to use html to fix websites that work on IE but are messed up on Mozilla Firefox?

I'm designing a website using the normal html codes (div boxes etc.), and it works fine on IE, but when I use Mozilla Firefox to access it the page is just messy, with my div boxes overlapping each other and my words out of their headings.

I was reccomended the IE tab, but that requires the people who are viewing to install it. Is there a way to use html to fix this?

How to use html to fix websites that work on IE but are messed up on Mozilla Firefox?web browser

I am afraid that no-one can give you a detailed answer without looking at your html in detail. And the problem may be the css, rather than the html, since there are problems about the way that IE interprets css, and a number of very geeky workrounds.

In general, it is better to work using Firefox and then to check with IE, since Firefox is fully standards compliant, while IE still has compliance issues.

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