Friday, November 27, 2009

Why is does this javascript code work correctly in ie, but not in firefox?

I've put the code into a txt file that you can view online, just go to the link below.

This code works exactly how its supposed to in internet explorer, but in firefox. In firefox the background images for the table will not change when a different folder is selected. Any idea how to fix this, and if possible make the code work in both ie and firefox?

Simply put the code is supposed to change the background images of both the body and the table, by just changing one of the folder names, when a different option is chosen in the form.

Firefox diplays the original backgrounds right, but will not change the table backgrounds when a new option is selected.

IE on the other hand works fine and does exactly what is supposed to.

Code can be found here:

~Thanks Again: Dinoman411

Why is does this javascript code work correctly in ie, but not in firefox?windows 95

works for me... firefox 2.0! I added an alert... and it called onload and onclick!

But all that code will catch up with you! do it in a loop! Or just switch the style sheets dynamically!

Why is does this javascript code work correctly in ie, but not in firefox?download ie internet explorer

you need a plug in, go to firefox home page look around for them
IE is the standard browser used by almost more than 80% in the world. So, we have to made applications that shud work properly in Ie. Dontbother about firefox!
Form elements in Mozilla are accessed via the document.formname.fieldname method, not getElementById.

var objSelect = document.frmForm.selChoice;

Note to previous answerers: If you are only going to spew nonsense, please remain silent.

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