Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How do I get new IE browser windows to open full size instead of only half size (needing to be maxim

whenever I open a new IE window it opens about half size and I have to maximize the screen every time. It started doing this about a month ago and I cannot get it fixed. I ran adaware and a few other utilities with no luck.

How do I get new IE browser windows to open full size instead of only half size (needing to be maximized)?windows vista

in the top right corner ull see 3 icons.

press the second one (it looks like a box) on d right of it der is d 'x'

den when u close ie is supposed to save ure settings and next time it loads it will be full size

actually im nots so sure but dis wil work 4sure:

instead of opressing d maximise button, drag the area of tehe minimised screen till it fills ure whole desktop .. then press x and it should load almost maximised

How do I get new IE browser windows to open full size instead of only half size (needing to be maximized)?windows defender internet explorer

do not use the maximize option to make it full screen....instead, drag your pointer to the edge of the IE will change to a double arrow head pointer...left click mouse,then drag the window to the size you want...make sure you do this to all 4 sides to get full will always open that size from now on! this goes for almost any window you want to open full screen
Thanks for the question. I needed to know that too!
Very simple. Close all browser windows. Now, open a new browser window, maximize it, and then close it. The maximized settings will be automatically saved. The next time you open a new window, it will be in maximized form.

This is a feature of almost all windows (Excel, etc.)--to save settings while exit.
press F11

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