Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How do I repair this Internet Explorer issue-IE jams up?

I am having a problem when I use my browser, Internet Explorer. When I am surfing the Web, Internet Explorer will lock up and I essential have to shut down the web page and start over. Sometimes, I have to just soft reboot the PC, just to get IE to unlock. Is there a way to uninstall and reinstall IE? What can you recommend?

How do I repair this Internet Explorer issue-IE jams up?

run ccleaner

How do I repair this Internet Explorer issue-IE jams up?internet browser internet explorer

I find a lot of time the reason for this is a lack of computer resources such as RAM and Processor cause by two many program running at once.

Short term fix: Shut down all unneeded program in the bottom right hand by right click and close. Leave your antivirus on.

Turn off you Security Center Firewall and turn on Windows Firewall because it uses less resources to run. I went as far as uninstalling my Security Center Firewall because it is checking everything coming and going though your computer. Scan for Viruses and Spyware then remove them.

Do a Disk Cleanup and Disk Defrag from your System Tool in your Acessories in your All Program Menu. This should speed up your system.

Long term Fix: Make sure you have at least 1 GB of Ram. Check your system.

Good Luck

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