Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What medical condition means you cant get drunk or stoned ie immune but can get ill?

Can anyone explain or a medical condtion which stops you getting drunk or stoned...

ie a joint or alchol makes you sleepy not high or pissed?

Ie you can get the ill effects but none of the fun stuff? no dutch currage, no tripping, no thinking you are hard or gods gift to women, no doing anything you dont normally do etc

And can it be linked to anything like hypoglycemia, asbergers, race or anything else?

What medical condition means you cant get drunk or stoned ie immune but can get ill?microsoft publisher

I think you are referring to a person with high tolerance to alcohol. There are some theories regarding alcohol. Even taste and tolerance and even addiction to it is linked to genetic factors. So if you got this gene then you willnever get drunk or stoned as you put it.

What medical condition means you cant get drunk or stoned ie immune but can get ill?microsoft live internet explorer

It`s called "ALCOHOLISM"...

Seriously though.. Try Double JD %26amp; Coke or Double Tia Maria in a Pint of Guiness.. That should cure it.
I have that. Seriously.

Beer makes me feel sick, I wake up with a headache but when drinking it only makes me fall asleep or get a headache.

Weed just makes me sleep too I don't get the good effects. For that I need something stronger....
i dunno but is it weird to stalk someone over the internet??
Sooner or later, alcoholic people lose the ability to get high, and just become dull, groggy and stuporous.

It is one of the signs that the disease has progressed.
it means one thing: "ADDICTION" i dont know if there's a medical term for it but for me its mind over body.
You are a born saint!
If you have this, God is trying to tell you something. Perhaps, maybe you should focus on your education and grammatical skills.

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